Kristine L. Gravino, Ph.D., CIMHP

Integrative Mental Health Practitioner
Fees and Payment Policy Fees for Service
Dr. Gravino accepts the following insurances:
Blue Shield of Northeastern NY
Empire Plan
Value Options
Optum Health
Empire Blue Cross Blue Sheild
Some common questions about therapy include:
Do I have out of network benefits to see a licensed psychologist?
If so, what percentage of the session fee do you cover?
What is the deductible, and how much of the deductible have I met?
What is my co-pay for a session if I see an in-network provider?
An out-of-network provider?
How many sessions are covered, and in what time period?
How do I access the form(s) needed to submit a request for reimbursement?
You are encouraged to contact your insurance provider to get the answers to these questions and any other's prior to making an appointment with Dr. Gravino.
Dr. Gravino is also willing to work with you individually on a fee for service rate.